Well done Class 4 for another busy week. In English we have been concentrating on comprehension and grammar, in maths we have been learning how to reflect shapes on a grid. Congratulations to Charlie and Toby who will both start next week on a new level in Minute Maths. Next week we will be continuing to hone our comprehension skills and we will be learning how to rotate a shape about a point.
Practicing how to use a dictionary - feel free to do this at home too! |
Times Table Champions
A huge well done to Freddie, William, Cameron, Stanley, Charlie and Toby
who got 12/12 in their tables test this week. Keep up the good work!
Our Tables focus this half term is the 12 times table, please spend a
few minutes each day learning them.
Our words to learn this week are:
Please remember that the full list of spellings can be found at the
front of the homework book.
Home Learning
Maths Home Learning this week has been set on Active Learn, English home
learning is revision of word classes. Homework is due in on Thursday and House
Points can be earned if homework is handed in early.
Golden Book
Well done Louis for earning a place in the Golden Book for working
really hard with his handwriting, it is getting much better J