Friday, 27 May 2016

Friday 27th May

It has been assessment week this week; well done everybody for trying their hardest, the independent stories that you have produced are looking fabulous.

On Thursday we had visitors in from the Becker Art Society. We had a lovely time using charcoal to sketch in the style of Becker. We also took the opportunity to sketch the Tope that Mrs Bowles found on the beach. We then took the sketch books that they gave us to Vicarage Grove on Friday afternoon to sketch the bluebells which made a lovely end to this half term.


Times Table Champions

The majority of the class have now secured their 12 times tables which is great, keep practicing!


Our Tables focus next half term is the 11 times table, please spend a few minutes each day learning them.




Our words to learn this week are:







Please remember that the full list of spellings can be found at the front of the homework book. Please take the time to learn them. 2 house points go to every pupil who achieves 5/5 in their spelling test.


Home Learning

Home learning for half term is to produce a film review. This can be either an old favourite or a more recent film. The film must be either a U or PG certificate.

Golden Book

My golden book entry this week was for everybody who went to Hilltop. For being brave, tidy (yes the boys were tidy too so no excuses at home! ) and for being beautifully well behaved. They were all a pleasure to go adventuring with.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Friday 13th May

Firstly, I want to say a huge well done to Ajay, Daisy, Rebekah and Rosie for all of your hard work towards the SATS. I have no doubt that you all tried your very best and I could not be prouder of you all! Please have a well-deserved relaxing weekend.
Congratulations to Freddie and Toby for moving up to the next level in Minute Maths very exciting! 

Class 3 joined us this week for some activities; we had great fun planning and constructing a model of a Viking long boat, here are some pictures.

Times Table Champions
A huge well done to Ajay and Rosie who join Freddie, William, Cameron, Charlie and Toby  having secured their 12 times tables and are now exempt from the weekly test. Congratulations to Joe. Stanley and Jack for 12/12 in their tables test this week. Keep up the good work!

Our Tables focus this half term is the 12 times table, please spend a few minutes each day learning them.

Our words to learn this week are:

Please remember that the full list of spellings can be found at the front of the homework book. Please take the time to learn them. 2 house points go to every pupil who achieves 5/5 in their spelling test.

Home Learning
Home Learning will be slightly different for the next 2 weeks due to our Hilltop residential visit. Spellings and the 12 times tables will need to be learnt ready for testing on the 27th May. Written Home Learning will be an account of their week’s activities, which will be due in on Thursday 26th May.

Golden Book

Rosie, Ajay, Rebekah and Daisy all earned places in the Golden Book this week for trying their hardest and making me super proud leading up to, and during the SATS well done all of you! J

Friday, 6 May 2016

Friday 6th May

Class 4 have been busy preparing for the SATS this week, well done Year 5 for supporting the Year 6s!
Year 6 please remember to get plenty of sleep, eat well and leave time for some rest and relaxation for those tired brains. I am so very proud of how hard you have all been working – we are nearly there now! J  
Congratulations to Ajay, William and Joe for moving up to the next level in Minute Maths very exciting! J

We have been thinking things through in maths - Charlie loves to 'prove it' don't you! :-)

Times Table Champions
A huge well done to Freddie, William, Cameron, Charlie and Toby who have secured their 12 times tables and are now exempt from the weekly test. Congratulations to Rebekah, Rosie, Ajay and Arlo for 12/12 in their tables test this week. Keep up the good work!

Our Tables focus this half term is the 12 times table, please spend a few minutes each day learning them.

Our words to learn this week are:

Please remember that the full list of spellings can be found at the front of the homework book. Please take the time to learn them. 2 house points go to every pupil who achieves 5/5 in their spelling test.


Maths homework this week is a times tables challenge, the sheet needs to be completed. If you would like to add to the challenge you can time how long it takes to complete the sheet and see if you were quicker than the last time that you did it. English homework is revising how to use Active and Passive sentences. Homework is due in on Thursday and House Points can be earned if homework is handed in early.

Golden Book

Well done Stanley for gaining a place in the Golden Book this week for an amazing result in Big Maths this week. :)