Sunday, 27 January 2019

Monday 21st January-Friday 25th January 

Clubs are underway! 

Below are some of the creations made during Lego Club.

I do have some more photos of clubs to put up. I will just check permission of some children (from other classes) before I put them up. Well done to all the leaders for their fantastic work and giving up their time.

 Class 4 in P.E. This term we have been doing some gymnastics.

 One group discussing what makes a healthy lunch menu during our Healthy Living workshop.

In DT the children have been testing their structures.

In Maths, we have continued to work on our decimal calculations. We are now confident multiplying and dividing decimals as well as whole numbers.

In English, we have finished our work on, 'The Highwayman,' writing the poem as a story from the point of view of another character in the book.

In History, we enjoyed acting out some crimes and punishments we have learnt about from the Roman, Medieval and Victorian periods. We used our new camera to record videos of our work.

Friday 25th January
Spellings: This week we have been thinking about the suffix ‘cious’ and ‘tious.’ We have been discussing when to use each suffix and we spotted if the root word ends with ce, then usually the suffix will be cious. Beware there are exceptions and you may need to remove letters to spell the word correctly. Always use a dictionary to check our spellings!
1.     Vice-vicious
2.    Malice-malicious
3.    Fiction-fictitious
4.    Caution-cautious
5.    Grace-gracious

Reading: This week we have continued reading in our book corner and new library area. Some of us have been reading with some children from Class 1. In class, we have looked at a non-fiction text to help us with our SATs practice. Next week, we will start our new class book, ‘The Promise.’

Date for the diary: Tuesday 5th February, Class 4 are having a crime morning. We are lucky enough to have Suffolk Police in our school that day. They are setting up a crime scene for us to investigate like they would. We will also get to look at their specialist equipment and ask them lots of questions. We can also dress up (Cop or robber) if we like.

Hope you have all had a good weekend.

Friday, 18 January 2019

Monday 14th January-Friday 18th January

Our New Book Corner

Archery with Premier Sports

In English we have continued to learn about 'The Highwayman,' by Alfred Noyes. The children enjoyed doing some freeze frames based on parts of the story/poem. Mrs Milne and Mrs Jenkins found this activity very entertaining! Back in the classroom, we have then used our acting skills to help us plan our stories. We are rewriting the story from the point of view of one of the characters. We will write up our final copies next week and we hope to share them in school with the other children.

In Maths, we have been learning how to order decimals and then multiply them by 10, 100 and 1000. Next week, we will be adding, subtracting and multiplying our decimal numbers.

In History, we have been looking at the crimes and punishments that took place in the Roman, Medieval and Victorian periods.

This week we have enjoyed all our P.E sessions. We had all the equipment out in our gymnastics sessions and today we had a one off archery lesson. 

On a Friday, we have been enjoying our 'One Life' workshops. We have had visitors who have come into school and worked with us. We have been discussing how the body works and the best way of looking after it.

Finally, Mrs Jenkins would like to say well done to all the Lunchtime club leaders for their clubs this week. Everyone behaved beautifully, the sessions were well attended and enjoyed by all. Thank you for your time and planning a great activity for your club. We are looking forward to seeing what ideas you have for next week!

Friday 18th January

Spellings: This week we have been thinking about the rules for when the homophone words ending in ‘ce or se.’ ‘Ce’ words are always nouns and the ‘se’ words are always verbs so think carefully which one you are using for your sentences.

1.     Advice/advise
2.    Practice/practise
3.    Device/devise
4.    Licence/license

Reading: We have been reading, ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. We have also been looking at texts you find in SATs papers and working out how best to answer them. We have been enjoying our new reading corner and our library area. Look at the blog to see what it looks like.

Thank you for all the wonderful home learning this week. Please remember to check your lists and complete a new piece for next Thursday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Friday, 11 January 2019

Monday 7th January-Friday 11th January

Happy New Year to you all!

Our new topic is: Crime and Punishment

Your child has been given a parent letter for you to see what we are doing this term.

 Friday 11th January
Spellings: This week we have been thinking about the rules for when the word has ‘fer’ in it. Refer then could change to referral. Note how there is a double r as the r is stressed. If it is not stressed, it is a single r. E.g. reference.
1.     Referral
2.    Reference
3.    Transferred
4.    Inference
5.    Deferred
Reading: We have been reading, ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. We have also been looking at texts you find in SATs papers and working out how best to answer them.

Great team work in DT this week in Mr Rolling's lesson.

Enjoying our new book corner and our child friendly newspaper.

Our new topic is: Crime and Punishment.
We all had to have a mug shot taken. Look at our serious faces!

Next week we will add more photos on how we have decorated our classroom to match our topic theme. 

There will also be news on a special 'Crime Day' Mrs Jenkins is organising for us with Suffolk Police. 

We look forward to seeing lots of parents at our share on Wednesday morning to help us launch our Times Table Rock Stars.

Have a good weekend!