Saturday, 9 December 2017

Monday 4th December-Friday 8th December

Spellings for this week are:
1.     Leisure
2.    Lightning
3.    Marvellous
4.    Mischievous
5.    Muscle
I am not expecting anymore Viking home learning, unless you have something you want to show me. I would like you to learn your lines for the school play and have a go at your times table activity pack I have made you. After Christmas our Maths heavily involves knowing your times tables. It will make your Maths lessons so much easier if you have that knowledge. In the pack are some fun games and activities to help you practice. I look forward to seeing the results after Christmas.

Viking Museum Photos below

More Concrete Maths

Friday, 1 December 2017

Monday 28th November-Friday 1st December


Division using Base 10

Friday 1st December
Spellings for this week:
1.)   Immediately
2.)  Individual
3.)  interfere
4.)  Interrupt
5.)  Language

Watch out next week for photos of our Viking Museum. Please come and see our work on Monday 4th December at 8:50am-10am

Some of us will be dressed up too!

Friday, 24 November 2017

Monday 20th-Friday 24th November

This week, Class 4 cooked some fruit pies. Some people enjoyed them with custard and some said they were a little soggy from all the fruit juice they put in their pie. A few others burnt them! Here are a few pictures of us making them.

We have been practicing our multiplying and dividing using concrete methods.

Blyth Woods-plating trees at Grove Peace

Spellings for these week:
1. Guarantee
2. Harass
3. Hindrance
4. Identify
5. Immediate

Friday, 17 November 2017

Monday 13th November-Friday 17th November

Well done to Class 4 for another super week. In Maths we have been multiplying large numbers using our resources, picture methods as well as our old abstract methods. In English we have been writing Viking Newspaper articles. Mrs Milne and Mrs Jenkins had a team each to lead. Both teams created some very catchy and interesting stories. In Science, with Mr Rollings Class 4 made planets as part of their space project. In P.E, Mr Knights was very impressed with the gymnastic routines the children came up with. We look forward to watching the recordings next week. Mr Balls and Mrs Jenkins have also been pleased with the progress of the Christmas show, everyone is working so hard for it.

Thank you and well done to everyone today who came and spent money at our cake sale. We have raised lots for Children in Need as well as for our Trim Trial at school. It was lovely to see so many in school and joining us for our afternoon ramble.

Next Monday, Class 4 will be cooking Fruit tarts in their topic session. I look forward to seeing the results.

Spellings this week are:
1.) Familiar
2.) Foreign
3.) Forty
4.) Frequently
5.) Government

Friday, 10 November 2017

Monday 6th November-Friday 10th November

Some of our Maths this week.

We were adding and subtracting using concrete methods.

Spellings for these week:
1. Especially
2. Excellent
3. Exaggerate
4. Existence

5. Explanation

Well done for some more fantastic home learning. Our classroom is looking very Viking like now!

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Monday 30th October- Friday 3rd November

Welcome back to a new half term. This week has been as busy as usual. We had our Maths Share morning. This is where our parents came into school and we showed them how we learn our Maths. Mr Balls and Mrs Jenkins held auditions for the Christmas play on Tuesday. The children now know who they are playing if they wished for a speaking part. On Friday we learnt the first two songs with great success and enthusiasm from the children.

Year 6 finished their SATs practice papers and were pleased with their results. On Friday they took their letters home to their parents so they are aware of their scores too.

Wednesday 1st November

Class 4 Newsletter

  Our P.E lessons this term will still be on a Wednesday and Thursday. Both Mr Knights and Mrs Jenkins will be doing indoor P.E this term. Mr Knight is doing gymnastics. Mrs Jenkins is doing circuit training.

Our Christmas play practice will begin on Friday. We have had the auditions this week so children will soon know their roles and what costumes they will need to wear. We will send out a separate letter with this on. The Christmas play this year is on Thursday 14th December.

Your child will be given a new home learning pack this half term. They have a selection of activities to choose from. We would like a piece of work once a week. If it is a big project or cooking a photo or a little description in their home learning book is sufficient. House points and extra playtime is given to those who hand in work. If your child needs any help, Thursday lunch times are available to them in my classroom.
Remembrance Service

Please feel free to join us on Monday 13th November at 1:30pm. Class 4 will be heading down to the War Memorial in the Village for a short service.

Bawdsey Fundraiser

Please let me know of your ideas for some fundraisers. I am thinking we could help the Friends of Wenhaston at the Wenhaston Christmas Bizarre on Saturday 2nd December  with a stall. If you or your child would be able to help then please speak to me.

Blyth Woods

Friday 24th November is when we will be joining the Blyth Woods group. You are welcome to join us at 1:15pm on that Friday.

Viking Museum

The children have been working very hard in their topic lessons to produce some great work. We would like to open up the classroom to parents for a Viking Museum. The children will be the experts/curators and guides. They will guide you through the artefacts and impress you with their knowledge. Monday 4th December at 2pm.

Finally, spellings and photos are updated weekly on our class blog.

I look forward to an exciting and busy half term.

Mrs Jenkins

Image result for vikingImage result for vikingVictorious Viking Home Learning-Autumn 2


Write a Viking Poem

Write a book review about a Viking Saga                              
Use the writing frame to write a sale description for a long house
Read some Non Fiction books to extend your knowledge of the    Viking.

Art & design

Make a Viking Long ship

          Design a Viking Broach

Colour in Viking characters and
then get them to stand up.
             (See template)                           Make a paper model axe or shield.
                                                (See template)

Measure and weigh the ingredients to make Viking Pancakes

Make a fish pie as Vikings ate a lot of fish

Viking Shopping (see attached sheet)


Image result for viking        
Image result for vikingViking word problems (see attached sheet)

Your children should have their tick sheet in their bag from this Friday. Sorry about the layout and lack of pictures on here but you can see the options for their home learning this term.

Spellings this week are:
