Friday, 17 November 2017

Monday 13th November-Friday 17th November

Well done to Class 4 for another super week. In Maths we have been multiplying large numbers using our resources, picture methods as well as our old abstract methods. In English we have been writing Viking Newspaper articles. Mrs Milne and Mrs Jenkins had a team each to lead. Both teams created some very catchy and interesting stories. In Science, with Mr Rollings Class 4 made planets as part of their space project. In P.E, Mr Knights was very impressed with the gymnastic routines the children came up with. We look forward to watching the recordings next week. Mr Balls and Mrs Jenkins have also been pleased with the progress of the Christmas show, everyone is working so hard for it.

Thank you and well done to everyone today who came and spent money at our cake sale. We have raised lots for Children in Need as well as for our Trim Trial at school. It was lovely to see so many in school and joining us for our afternoon ramble.

Next Monday, Class 4 will be cooking Fruit tarts in their topic session. I look forward to seeing the results.

Spellings this week are:
1.) Familiar
2.) Foreign
3.) Forty
4.) Frequently
5.) Government

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