Friday, 14 September 2018

Class 4

A New Academic Year!

Welcome back to a new autumn term at Wenhaston. The new Class 4 have had a fantastic first week back. Mrs Jenkins and Mrs Milne have been very impressed with their enthusiasm, behaviour and work the children have produced this week. We are looking forward to a very successful and fun year ahead.

 Our art project for the village. We have all been working together to come up with three 3D collages to commemorate 100 years since World War One. The children have been great and their hard work has paid off. We look forward to unveiling it on November 11th 2018!

 Sandwich tasting of a different kind! Anchovy, custard, banana, summer fruits, sherbet lemons, cheese, broccoli and pickle!

 Harvesting the spinach that grew over the summer
Class 4 doing the Daily Mile

Our New House Captains and the new board for this year!

Marly=White House
Molly= Blue House
Alexis=Green House
Hayden= Red House

Friday 14th September
Spellings this week: Please make sure you continue to learn these at home
‘Ough’ Grapheme
We have discussed that there are many different phonemes (sounds) for this one grapheme. (or, out, uff, off, ow etc)
1.     Cough
2.    Drought
3.    Thought
4.    Enough
5.    Plough

Year 6- Bike Ability next week! (Thursday and Friday) Please make sure your permission letters are in school and your bike is ready!

Have a lovely weekend!

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