Sunday, 17 February 2019

Monday 11th February-Friday 15th February

 Lots of thinking happening in Class 4

 Maths-Problem Solving

 Science and shadows

 English and Drama-The Promise

Maths-Finding percentages of amounts, increase and decreases of percentages. We opened toy, pet, stationary and a clothes shop. The children then went shopping. Throughout their shopping experience, the shops had sales and increases of prices. Between the shop assistants and the shoppers, they had to work out the cost of each item.

 Well done to our winners of the Reading Challenge this term. They enjoyed a tea party in our book corner.
 Extra playtime on Friday afternoon (Home Learning reward)

Class 4 enjoying the sunshine on a Friday afternoon

Half Term Holidays-February
There is no set home learning over the half term. The only thing I would like children to work on is their spellings which they didn’t get correct in our spelling test this half term. Each child has a copy in their reading journal as they are different for each child. This spelling test was an assessment to see how their learning is going after spending time in class and at home practicing these rules and patterns.
Happy holidays! J

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