Friday, 8 March 2019

Monday 4th March- Friday 8th March

World Book Day
Look at the wonderful display the whole school created! Our display is based on the book, 'One Day on Our Blue Planet.

 In class, we shared our favourite book and wrote a book review for it.

We came into school dressed in our pyjamas.

Friday 8th March
Spellings: This week we have been learning the soft g rule. The soft g sounds like an j when we say it but actually it is spelt as a g. The g is always followed by e i or y and paired with d (dge).
1.     Strange
2.    imagination
3.    emergency
4.    contagious
5.    original

Reading: This week we have read the book, ‘One Day on Our Blue Planet’ as a school. We have completed a piece of writing and we have created a wonderful display based on the animals in the book. Please look at the class blogs to see what we have been up to. On Thursday we came dressed in our pyjamas and we bought our favourite books to school to celebrate World Book Day.

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