Friday, 24 March 2017

Monday 20th March- Friday 24th March

Class 4 have been authors this week. They completed their final drafts of their stories and we made them into books. Thursday afternoon, we went to Class 1 to read our stories to reception class. Most of them really enjoyed them and gave us lots of lovely comments.

We were also artists this week as we did some printing. Our work has been put up outside our classroom for everyone to see. Our artwork this term has been inspired by American Pop Art artist, Andy Warhole.

On Thursday, some of us went to Bungay High School for an Easter Maths competition. Our team did really well (Coming joint 1st) in the competition. Their work is currently being displayed in the corridor on the Thinking Things Through board if you would like to see it.

Well done for another fabulous week and we wish all the mothers  a Happy Mother's Day for Sunday. Hopefully you like the messages we put in the Bungay and Beccles Journal and the cards we made in school.

We also enjoyed the weather this week, going outside for some of our Science lesson. We stood in a circle and joined feet. We were the wires and then the balls going round the circle were the current. We also had someone acting as our bulb. We then discussed what happens when a wire doesn't work.

Finally, we enjoyed getting out the apparatus in P.E this week. Our balancing has improved hugely!
Year 6
Home Learning
Friday 24th March
Math- You have another 10 minute challenge. This one is the ‘Arithmetic challenge.’ See if you can do your 8 questions in the time. Don’t forget if you have forgotten a method, you can always look back in your maths book at school.
This week Mrs Bowles has given you some key skills revision. The more you look at this, the better you will remember skills under pressure. 5 minutes a day will really help and hopefully build your confidence.
English- You have a 10 minute SPAG challenge to complete this week. This should be a recap on terms you have already come across in your lessons.
1.     Convenience
2.    Correspond
3.    Criticise
4.    Curiosity
5.    Definite

Year 5
Home Learning
Friday 24th March
Math- This week we have been learning more about perimeter and area. Have a go on topmarks interactive games online to consolidate your learning from this week.
English- We have been learning the poem ‘Tyger, Tyger,’ by William Blake. For your home learning I would like you to see if you can learn a verse (stanza) or have a go at learning the whole poem off by heart. I would also like you to create a fact file about tigers, using the template provided.
1.     Convenience
2.    Correspond
3.    Criticise
4.    Curiosity
5.    definite

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