Friday 26 May 2017

Home Learning
Friday 26th May
I hope you have a lovely half term. It would be great to see some more dragon home learning coming into school. I have had some wonderful home learning so far. Pictures of some of the bigger pieces or edible pieces are on the Class blog for you to see.

Please continue to practice your times tables and your spellings over the holiday. These skills will help you greatly with your confidence and your learning.

I look forward to seeing you in Summer 2 term to continue with our dragon topic.

Please record your reading also! Thank you.

Friday 19 May 2017

Monday 15th May- Friday 19th May

This week has been very memorable as we got to visit Dalham Hall Stud in Newmarket. This is where famous race horses have been and being bred. Everybody had a fantastic time and we were very thankful that we got to go and have this amazing experience. Below are some of the photos we took of our visit. 

Friday 19th May
Home Learning

Godolphin Dalham Hall Stud

     Remember: 1 hand = 4 inches

1)     If Authorized is 16.1 hands, what would his height be in inches?

2)    If Belardo is 15.3 hands, what would his height be in inches?

3)    If Bowcreek is 16.1 hands, what would his height be in inches?

4)    Brazen Beau is 15.3 hands, what would his height be in inches?

5)    Dubawi is 15.3 hands, what would his height be in inches?

6)    If Dubawi has 10 foals a year and the stud charge £250,000 a foal. How much does he make in a year for them?

7)    New Approach earns £30,000 for each foal. How much does he make the stud a year if he produces 20 foals?

8)    Poets Voice earns £8,000 for each foal he produces. How much would he make the stud for 25 foals a year?

9)    Outstrip earns £5,000 for each foal he produces. How much would he make the stud for 30 foals a year?

10)  In 2017, Dubawi produced 170 foals (this is a fact!) how much money did he make when his fee for each foal is £250,000?

Remember you also have your dragon choices to choose from this week. I am expecting one activity to be completed each week.

Friday 19th May
1)    Immediately
2)   Individual
3)   Interfere
4)   Interrupt
5)   language

Friday 12 May 2017

Monday 8th May- Friday 12th May

What a brilliant week of team bonding and support shown in Class 4. The Year 6 did their very best in the SATs and they have worked their socks off. What a memorable day we had together today when we went tobogganing.Year 5 have had a great day at Bungay High (Coming back with great enthusiasm) and have been a wonderful support to Year 6. Another great week, well done everyone.

Year 5
Home Learning
Friday 12th May

English/topic- You should have a sheet with a choice of topic activities to complete. I would like to see you complete one by next Thursday.


Maths- This week has been a little different as Miss Dekker has been doing SATs with Year 6 so we haven’t had our usual lessons and therefore we cannot consolidate what we have been learning in class. Instead, please can you look at your Big Maths weekly sheets and practice a few questions that you have been struggling with. Remember you can use your prompt sheet. If an adult can give you some questions that are similar to the ones on your sheet then this would be great. Please record your workings in your home learning book. This extra practice really does help improve your score!
1)     Familiar
2)    Foreign
3)    Forty
4)    Frequently

5)    government

Friday 5 May 2017

Tuesday 2nd May-Friday 5th May

Year 5 Home Learning

Maths/Topic- This week I would like you to create a maze that someone else in class will solve next week. Please make sure you know the answer. To get in and out of your maze you need to have a maths word problem. (So you should have two.) Again make sure you know the answer to your own word problems. Good luck and I look forward to seeing them next week.

Spellings- Revise all the ones for this half term as we will be testing you on them next week.

Year 6-Home Learning

You have a list of activities I would like you to have a go at doing over the weekend. They included sleeping well, eating and drinking, playing outside, spending time with loved ones and enjoying your weekend before next week. You are ready! We are proud of you and you can only do your best.

Below are some photos of what we have been up to this week. We had a treasure hunt quiz to help Year 6 with SATs revision, made circuits in Science and had a different (new style) game of dodge ball in the sunshine. We also achieved a great challenge Miss Dekker set us this week, we made origami dragons! Well done for another super week.

Today we (Year 6) were given a letter about the time table for next week (including breakfast arrangements.) Year 5 and Year 6 were given their letters about a trip to Newmarket races on Thursday 18th May. Please bring permission slips ASAP. The trip is free and lunch is included!