Friday 8 February 2019

Monday 4th February-Friday 8th February

The photos explain what a wonderful morning we had with Suffolk Police. It was a memorable day and the children have learnt a lot from it and talking about it since. Thank you to the police officers who gave up their time to be with us and teach us about their job.

Wenhaston Reading Share

Thank you to everyone who came to share a book with us this afternoon. We hope to see you again soon.

Friday 8th February 2019-Spelling Revision

This week we have been completing our assessments so therefore we have not learnt any new spelling patterns. Please find below the ones that have been already given to us in previous weeks so that we can continue to practice learning them at home. We will be assessed on these patterns/rules next week.

Spellings: This week we have been thinking about the rules for when the word has ‘fer’ in it. Refer then could change to referral. Note how there is a double r as the r is stressed. If it is not stressed, it is a single r. E.g. reference.

1.     Referral
2.    Reference
3.    Transferred
4.    Inference
5.    Deferred

Spellings: This week we have been thinking about the rules for when the homophone words ending in ‘ce or se.’ ‘Ce’ words are always nouns and the ‘se’ words are always verbs so think carefully which one you are using for your sentences.

1.     Advice/advise
2.    Practice/practise
3.    Device/devise
4.    Licence/license

Spellings: This week we have been thinking about the suffix ‘cious’ and ‘tious.’ We have been discussing when to use each suffix and we spotted if the root word ends with ce, then usually the suffix will be cious. Beware there are exceptions and you may need to remove letters to spell the word correctly. Always use a dictionary to check our spellings!

1.     Vice-vicious
2.    Malice-malicious
3.    Fiction-fictitious
4.    Caution-cautious
5.    Grace-gracious

Spellings: This week we have been thinking about the suffix ‘cial’ and ‘tial.’ We have identified that the rule is: if the root word is ending in a vowel (a, e, i, o or u) then it is usually a cial ending. Tial endings if the root word ends in a consonant. Beware there are exceptions! Always use a dictionary to check our spellings!

1.     Social
2.    Essential
3.    Torrential
4.    Special
5.    Substantial

Have a lovely weekend and well done for all your hard work this week, Class 4. I am really proud of how well everyone did in their SATs papers. I will send results home to parents next week.

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